Ultrasonic Liquid Filtering and Inline Filter Cleaning
Our ultrasonic technology offers new design flexibility and adaptability to most any size inline filtration system for micron or submicron materials dispersed in a liquid.Ultrasonic Filtration Advantages:
- Significant increase in flow rates.
- Cleaner filter element
- Ultrasonic acoustic effects are actively working to reduce surface tension, cohesive forces, and/or adhesive forces.
- Allows in process self cleaning of the filter for continuous processing.
- Greatly improves reverse flow filter cleaning and deblinding.
Example Applications:
- Micron and submicron materials dispersed in liquids
- Metal powder slurry
- Ceramic slurry
- Biotech and Pharmaceutical products
- Water and wastewater processing
New Technology Offers Adaptability:
- New transducer clamp-on technology allows easy adaptation to existing housing designs and retrofit possibilities.
- For any filter type: Sintered Metal Filters, Membrane, Ceramic, etc.
New Multi-Frequency Ultrasonic Systems:
Active Ultrasonics now offers the industry’s most advanced ultrasonic technology for liquid and liquid slurry filtering applications. Our patented MMM (Modulated, Multimode, Multifrequency) ultrasonic generators can stimulate highly efficient wideband (sonic to megahertz) acoustic energy to most any liquid filled filter chamber. Compared to conventional fixed/frequency solutions our wideband ultrasonic techniques improve filter throughput, improve inline cleaning continuously, and improve reverse flow back flush. Key benefits to the new technology are:
- Wideband (sonic to megahertz) acoustic energy provides greater acoustic stimulation to improve process flow rates.
- MMM eliminates the standing waves seen in fixed frequency systems.
- Eliminates blinding in low amplitude nodal points
- Eliminates damage to filters in high amplitude nodal points.
- Fully programmable power and modulation technology
- Power adjust 1% to 100% (standard power modules in 300 watts, 600 watts, 1200 watts, and up to 20 kW on request)
- Pulse Width Modulation Period (Period 10 ms to 1,000 ms)
- Pulse Width Modulation Ratio (0% to 100%)
- MMM special modulation settings (fast sweeping, sweeping, & tracking)
- Transducer from 20 kHz to 45 kHz and higher frequencies on special order.
- MMM technology will drive most any size and shape filter housing.
- MMM driven converters may be connected to most any efficient point on a cylindrical stainless steel filter housing.
- A field adjustable resonant frequency option allows filter housings to be built without specific ultrasonic resonance tuning. This means filter housing designs can be simplified and produced at lower cost.
Example: Clamp mounted Transducer to standard filter housing. (Sintered metal filter) |
Example: Transducer mounted directly to filter housing end. (Sintered metal filter)
Example: Clamp mount Transducer systems allows easy adaptation to existing housings |
- MMM Frequency Agility: The same DSP technology that allows the MMM generator to be adaptable to any size or shape filter housing is used to provide unprecedented frequency agility. Other fixed-frequency systems are driving the total acoustic system (converter, filter housing, & liquid) at a frequency optimized for the converter without full consideration of how the filter housing and contents are changing the whole system resonant frequency. Rather than fighting physics our systems may be adapted to the new resonant frequency when an un-tuned mass is attached to a converter. Normal MMM factory options allow for system resonant frequency adjustment within a 12 kHz window (e.g. 25 kHz to 37 kHz). Such agility allows fine tuning for optimum performance.